
中国民间故事 05-10


1. The Lion and the Mouse

Once upon a time, a lion was sleeping in the forest. A little mouse ran over his nose and woke him up. "How dare you wake me up!" roared the lion. "I'll eat you for breakfast!"

"Please don't eat me," pleaded the mouse. "I'm small and weak, but one day I might be able to help you."

The lion laughed at the mouse, but he decided not to eat him. A few days later, the lion got caught in a hunter's trap. He roared and struggled, but he couldn't get free.

The mouse heard the lion's cries and ran to see what was wrong. When he saw the lion in the trap, he nibbled and bit at the ropes until they broke. The lion was free!

"Thank you, little mouse," said the lion. "I promised to help you one day, and I will keep my promise."

The moral of the story is that even the small and weak can help the strong if they use their intelligence and courage.

2. The Tortoise and the Hare

A tortoise and a hare decided to have a race. The hare was very confident that he would win, so he decided to take a nap during the race. When he woke up, he saw that the tortoise had crossed the finish line first!

"How did you beat me?" asked the hare. "You're so slow and I'm so fast."

"Slow and steady wins the race," said the tortoise. "I may be slow, but I never give up."

The moral of the story is that perseverance is more important than speed.

3. The Boy Who Cried Wolf

A boy was tending his sheep and he got bored. He decided to play a trick on the villagers. He pretended that a wolf had attacked his sheep and he called for help. The villagers came running, but they found out that the boy was lying.

A few days later, the boy played the same trick again. This time, the villagers didn't believe him. Later that day, a real wolf attacked the boy's sheep and he called for help, but nobody came because they thought he was lying again. The wolf killed all of the boy's sheep.

The moral of the story is that if you lie all the time, people will stop believing you even when you're telling the truth.

4. The Ugly Duckling

A duckling hatched from its egg and looked around. All the other ducklings were pretty and yellow, but he was big and gray. He felt very sad.

As time went by, the little duckling grew bigger and bigger. He looked in the pond and saw that he had turned into a beautiful swan. He was no longer an ugly duckling!

The moral of the story is that people should not be judged by their appearance, but by their inner qualities.

5. Little Red Riding Hood

A little girl named Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her grandmother in the forest. She was carrying a basket of food for her grandmother.

On the way, she met a wolf. The wolf asked where she was going and she told him. The wolf ran ahead of Little Red Riding Hood and arrived at Grandma's house first. He pretended to be Little Red Riding Hood and knocked on the door.

Grandma asked who it was and the wolf said, "It's me, Little Red Riding Hood. I've brought you some food."

Grandma opened the door and the wolf ate her up! When Little Red Riding Hood arrived at the house, the wolf dressed up like Grandma and tried to eat her, but she was saved by a woodcutter.

The moral of the story is that you should be careful when talking to strangers, and not trust everyone you meet.

These are just a few of the many wonderful English stories that can help us learn and grow. Reading stories is not only fun, but also educational and enriching.

